Frequently Asked Questions
We work hard to keep tuition affordable. While there are many factors involved, the average cost per student is around $300/month. See Our Rates

Homeschool Famlies
Any families that have chosen to home school will be welcome to participate in the sports programs that we currently have available. More details concerning eligibility and requirements can be found by contacting the school office.
- Basketball - We have Boys Junior High Team (5th-9th Grade) and a Boys Varsity Program (9th -12th grade) and a Girls Team (6th-12th Grade)
- Girls Volleyball (6th-12th Grade)
- Boys Soccer (6th-12th Grade)
The Harvest Temple Christian Academy Royal Crusaders are proud member of the ICSO Conference. We participate in league games, a year end State Tournament, and an ICSO All-Star game.
ICSO Members:
Grand Lake, Marion Hawks, Ohio Eagles, Bowling Green, Calvary Christian, Christian Academy, Urbana Christian and Harvest Temple.
Homeschool Open Class Options
We recognize that there may be a need for families that currently home school to take advantage of taught classes and/or other organized extracurricular activities.. The purpose of the Open Class Option is to provide an avenue so as to accommodate the needs of these families.
The administrator will meet with the prospective family to determine their particular needs and whether HTCA can accommodate those needs in the desired academic year.
HTCA reserves the right to place a limit on the number of students applying for any particular grade and/or class in a given academic year or semester. Placement will be in agreement between the home and HTCA on a first come first serve basis.
In general, the home school student and parent will be expected to comply with the HTCA Policy and Procedure Manual. However, the administration recognizes there may be special circumstances where it makes good sense to allow the administrator to deviate from said manual. The administrator will be required to communicate these deviations with the school board.
For detailed information click our "Files/Forms" tab and download the file "Open Class Options Policy".